“The Scripture is full of places that prove fasting to be not the invention of man but the institution of God, and to have many more profits than one.”
“We must fast with our whole heart, that is to say, willingly, wholeheartedly, universally and entirely.”
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as Lent arrives to stir our hearts to radical newness. This is no time for the faint of heart! Let us embrace the course!
Women are specialists at both gift-giving and gift-wrapping. We are masters at selecting the right gift at the right time and the right details for every perfectly placed ribbon and scrunch of tissue paper. The wrapping itself can prove quite an adventure for the recipient to work through. Who hasn’t given a gift to another and happily prodded, “Oh, there’s something else in the box!”
We likely learn from Our Lord Himself whose gifts to us are bottomless treasure troves. He is always encouraging us to keeping looking. There is ever more. Seven Sisters are beneficiaries of the divine gift of the desire to pray. Alongside come the gifts to initiate the prayer, discern its ways, quell distractions and at times welcome sweet silence. In the multi-faceted gift of prayer perhaps for some there is an undiscovered aspect at the “bottom of the box” – the gift of fasting. This Lenten season is an ideal time to unfold the gift. Grace upon grace will help embrace it. Fasting is not merely will power. Grace is necessary. It is worth the asking, for fasting enlivens prayer and prayer invigorates fasting. Team work at its best!
From her beginning, Mother Church has encouraged self-denial, oft times taking the form of fasting. It serves us well to accept the encouragement as more gift than gruel. As Catholics, we partake in an intentional Eucharistic fast not just as a point of obedience but in it recognizing the Church is emphasizing that our Eucharistic experience is set to be enhanced by it. Would it be that this daily or weekly practice launch us into greater lengths and depths of the practice of fasting! Tempering or even mortifying (putting to death) our passions for a time brings gifts to the soul. Listen to St Basil the Great: “Fasting gives birth to prophets and strengthens the powerful; fasting makes lawgivers wise. Fasting is a good safeguard for the soul, a steadfast companion for the body, a weapon for the valiant, and a gymnasium for athletes. Fasting repels temptations, anoints unto piety; it is the comrade of watchfulness and the artificer of chastity. In war it fights bravely, in peace it teaches stillness.”
This intentional bodily fasting is enhanced with a dovetail into an intentional spiritual fasting from sin. St Basil helps here too: “Let us fast an acceptable and very pleasing fast to the Lord. True fast is the estrangement from evil, temperance of tongue, abstinence from anger, separation from desires, slander, falsehood and perjury. Privation of these is true fasting.”
Our Apostolate Chaplain, Fr Joseph Johnson, concurs. At the November 2019 St Paul- Minneapolis Seven Sisters annual time of Reflection and Renewal, he encouraged us to consider adding fasting to our prayer efforts. “The benefits will be beyond what you today imagine. Your prayer will be clearer.” This invitation is extended to all Seven Sisters. Standing at the threshold of this richly grace-laden Lenten season is the perfect occasion. May we unite our hearts to the mystery of Jesus in the desert and learn and live the liberty and clarity and strength brought about through fasting. Our prayers for our priests and bishops will profit! Made clear like a mountain stream!
On March 26 (Thurs), feast of one of our patrons, St Margaret Clitherow, an invitation is extended to all Seven Sisters to anticipate and plan a Day of Fasting for strengthening and sanctity of all priests. St Margaret Clitherow will help us! She is a stellar model of the Eucharistic life and staunch defender and supporter of the priesthood. And she loves Seven Sisters! Plan now how you will participate – and mark your calendars!
The gift of fasting is so fitting to our Apostolate, hidden from the eye of most. In quietness and trust is our strength… (Isaiah 30:15). We appear to do nothing at all, yet much is accomplished. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminds, “The ultimate goal of fasting is to help each one of us to make a complete gift of self to God.” And so you do and so you do… St Jane Frances de Chantal speaks right to our hearts, as well: “God hides the prize of eternal glory in our mortifications and in the victory of ourselves, which we always strive for with great gentleness.” Afterall, dear Sisters in Christ, we are specialists at gift-giving and especially love the hidden gifts!
United in prayer and mission…that our prayers may find the heart of every bishop and priest…
… eternal gratitude continues as you each remember to offer a wee Hail Mary for me every day…. “One Ave Maria makes hell tremble” (St John Vianney). Pray that I will not ‘spoil the beautiful work that God has entrusted…’ (St Teresa of Calcutta)
… your kind emails and notes and phone calls and generous support always arrive to my heart door at the right moment! Your financial sacrifices are for 100% furtherance of Apostolate. THANK YOU! The letters of testimony are so beautiful and edifying! What glory is given to God through your writing! Eternal gratitude is mine for YOU! Be assured of my continued daily prayers for you at the altar.
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