Diciembre 2024 Communiqué
ANCLAS: Por favor pasen el comunicado (!nuestro encuentro mensual!) a las miembros del grupo Una Siete Hermana: Una hora santa/un sacerdote/cada semana/un corazón de oración Ángeles cantores - Relieve de la Cantoria de Luca Della Robbia (c. 1435) … (Él) se alegrará por ti con cánticos. (Sofonías 3:17) Feliz Adviento, Navidad y Jubileo a nuestras queridas Hermanas en Cristo - Cuando estudiaba enfermería, un profesor se refirió a un estudio sobre los antiguos alumnos de la escuela de negocios...
December Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we herald a new liturgical calendar. In Advent, we are challenged to balance remembrance of Christ’s first coming and anticipation of His second. The promises, fulfilled and yet-to-be fulfilled, are related and one gains...
November Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ iin this grace-filled month dedicated to beseeching the generous mercy of God for those who have entered eternal life in friendship with Him, yet remain in a process of purification. His mercy is tender and unremitting! From its...
October Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ in this month bursting with celebration of so many saintly brothers and sisters known for their abiding Eucharistic love and life. October honors St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Francis of Assisi, St Faustina, St Bruno, St John...
September Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as together we enter the month of September, bearing at its heart that glorious Feast of the Exultation of the Cross (Sept 14). The greatest victory was afforded us through the greatest suffering. That Victory lives! Our...
August Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we together anticipate the Feast of our patron and patron of all priests, St John Vianney (Aug 4th). What a perfect impetus to consider the role of shepherd, as we honor this Saint chosen to inspire priests to emulate Christ,...
July Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we freshly move in solidarity into another committed year of responding to God’s call to pray for our shepherds. At the heart of our commitments is a solid awareness of these sure, living words of Christ Himself: “You did not...
June Communiqué
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we live life-to-the-full in the torrent of Pentecost graces! What a grand celebration of gratitude near and far for our Apostolate Chaplain, Fr Joseph Johnson, as he commemorated his 25th Jubilee of priesthood on Pentecost...
Communiqué (May 2023)
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we share the Alleluia-laden course of Eastertide! St Athanasius termed all 50 days as one “great Sunday”! Alleluia is indeed our song! Heaven is near - not merely so evidently in Eastertide, but always. St Catherine of...
Communiqué (April 2023)
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we move to encompass our holiest days, then embrace Eastertide, all to encourage the world to rally with us in our love of Christ! Alleluia! An invitation to “watch with Me for an Hour” was made in the Garden. The first Good...
Communiqué (March 2023)
Fr Joseph Johnson (Apostolate Founder and Chaplain) anticipates his JUBILEE 25 years a priest of Jesus Christ +++31 May 1998 – 31 May 2023 Let us flood his mailbox: prayers, cards, well wishes, gratitude, testimonies, surprises! Greetings to dearest Sisters in...
Communiqué (February 2023)
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as together we live our days in Ordinary time, anticipating the dawn of our holy Lenten season, Ash Wednesday, 22 February. The mysteries and marvels of the Season will assuredly find us! St Thérèse of Lisieux, in her enigmatic...
Communiqué (January 2023)
Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ as we continue in Christmastide celebration. Our joy cannot be limited to one day. The Church gives us a full season to happily sweep others into the jubilation! Emmanuel is here! O come, let us adore Him! Responding to a door...