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Christmastide and Jubilee-Year greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ – No matter the destination, my friend of recent memory, Patti, persuasively (and always with a smile) suggested travelling a slightly diverted route to “where people need our prayers today”. Heading toward those rough neighborhoods where her steady finger pointed, I locked the car doors while Patti unlocked her deep and driven heart of intercession. Enroute, the chitchat was over. It was time to partner in prayer for those trudging the coarser walkways of life. To these, who we caught only in glimpses as we passed by, we seemed to be sent to – on those days, in that hour, to beg hope.
Opening the Holy Doors on Christmas Eve the pope formally inaugurated the Jubilee Year 2025. Its theme: Pilgrims of Hope. The very title brings a promising level of expectation. “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and farsighted vision,” stated Pope Francis at the announcement of the plan months ago. What an affirmation and boost to our very work as Seven Sisters! How steadily we persist in our Holy Hours with these precise unwavering plans in mind – of hope, of strength, of trust. Yes, we are humbly familiar with the strides of pilgrims of hope! Oh, sisters in Christ, let us allow this Jubilee Year to fortify our resolve and more deeply conform us, and those for whom we pray, to Christ, Who is the fulfillment of our every Hope.
Finding its roots in the Old Testament tradition of a jubilee year of rest, forgiveness and renewal, a holy year or jubilee is a time of pilgrimage, prayer, repentance and acts of mercy. Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the first Holy Year in 1300 and decreed that Jubilees by observed every 100 years. Yet just 50 years later, Pope Clement VI proclaimed another holy year. By 1470, Pope Paul II decreed the holy years be held every 25 years. The practice continues, and even with additional special jubilees.
Pilgrimage necessarily requires prayer, reflection and silence to discover the heart’s deepest cries and to discern the Will and guidance of God. Pilgrimage necessarily beckons movement – sometimes in the physical, always in the interior. In embracing the pilgrim’s heart in this Jubilee Year, it behooves us to recall and relish the reality that Our Lord awakens us to His nearness when we call for Him, and more so, He stays with us. He is our Emmanuel and journeys with us. We are never alone. The same, of course, holds true for the priests/bishops for whom we pray. Oh, sisters in Christ, let us steadily plead both quieted and active pilgrim hearts for ourselves and for these brothers in Christ.
Walking through the doorway of designated Holy Doors is a sign of a desire for conversion. St John Paul II explains: “To pass through that door means to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; it is to strengthen faith in Him in order to live the new life which He has given us. It is a decision which presumes freedom to choose and also the courage to leave something behind, in the knowledge that what is gained is divine life.” Envisioning the portals of our hearts to fling wide (as the hymn invites) to the graces of conversion is exhilarating and real. This openness often leads to a desire for repentance. For all of us, repentance presents the essential starting point of true conversion, allowing Our Lord to give us eyes to see, ears to hear and courage to meet His deepest love and mercy. Oh, sisters in Christ, let this gift of repentance be a regular prayer for ourselves and for the priest/bishop for whom we pray.
A Jubilee Year intensifies our call to offer tangible signs of hope, to be ministers of hope, by serving others through spiritual and corporal works of mercy. At their foundation, our weekly prayers as Seven Sisters bear these marks of hope. It has been said that those who fully embrace the journey of a pilgrim likely return from the journey as an apostle, ready to give reason for one’s hope. That which a pilgrim receives is meant to be shared. Oh, sisters in Christ, let us pray for ourselves and the priestly recipients of our prayer that we may generously bear witness to the abundance that has been received.
Pilgrims of Hope. We are being reminded in this Jubilee Year to fully live this God-given title. Hope is a stance rooted in a remembrance that God loves all and wants His good for each – here and in eternity. In Spe Salvi, his 2007 encyclical on hope, Pope Benedict XVI shares, “The one who has hope lives differently; the one who hopes has been granted the gift of a new life” (2). My friend Patti consistently sought the bereft in society and tenaciously begged God to instill hope in their lives. Seven Sisters witness this too in heart and in prayer. Our hope is not meager nor timid, but audacious, for ourselves and for the priests/bishops for whom we pray. We together live what Pope Benedict penned: “We become capable of the great hope, and thus we become ministers of hope for others. Hope in a Christian sense is always hope for others as well” (Spe Salvi, 34). Continue, sweet pilgrims, walk and grow in hope, and pray for ever-growing hope in our Shepherds!
United in prayer, fasting and mission…that our prayers may find the heart of every bishop and priest. Eternal gratitude continues as you each offer a daily wee Hail Mary for me. “One Ave Maria makes hell tremble” (St John Vianney). Pray that I will not ‘spoil the beautiful work that God has entrusted…’ (St Teresa of Calcutta). Your emails, notes and calls always arrive to my heart door at the just the right moment! Financial sacrifices are for 100% furtherance of the Apostolate. Your letters of testimony are beautiful and edifying! What glory is given to God through them! Be assured of my continued daily prayers for you at the altar.
– Janette (Howe) +JMJ+
🔔 Blessed and joy-filled Advent and Christmas seasons to YOU! Wow – scores of Holy Cards went out last month. This offer remains: GIFT for YOU: Striking NEW Apostolate Holy Card (4”x 5”). Prayerfully and generously painted by Seven Sister, Nancy T (California). Prayer on back from Pope Benedict XVI. Send SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) to: Janette Howe, 43 Nord Circle Rd, St Paul, MN 55127
SEVEN SISTERS – in and out and about:
Heartfelt welcome: NEW groups that registered in DECEMBER to cover more priests in daily prayer: Additional groups in Mexico (Monterey) and these USA states: Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Currently: over 4500 groups in 6 continents, 33 countries, all 50 USA states. Our sure mission in every diocese of every country: Let no shepherd be left behind!
RECENT … and AHEAD on the calendar:
VISIT the info-packed multilingual Jubilee Year website —
> Gratitude to radio host Gus Lloyd for inviting Janette to join him for an interview on Seize the Day (2 Dec) on Sirius XM’s The Catholic Channel
> Gratitude to Lois F for a request for Janette to share about the Apostolate (14 Dec) at the Cathedral Women Assoc (CWA) meeting in St Paul, MN.
> Link to quality Apostolate T-shirts (short & long sleeved and hoodies) Eye-catching monstrance design. OR [email protected]
- “I am so grateful for your love for the clergy and for all the time and energy you put into the Apostolate. I have been praying for a few years now for Pope Francis. I find that my love for our pontiff has grown and deepened because I pray for him. Many people have mixed feelings about him and I do too, but praying for him helps me trust the Lord for him and for the Church. Making a commitment to pray gets me to the Adoration Chapel. It’s a joy and I’m happy to pray for my pope.” (Bernadette, Minnesota)
(A fact: Currently we have 9 groups praying for the Holy Father. Our gift to him: 9 Holy hours a day!)
- “I heard you on Seize the Day today. You knocked it out of the park. Yesterday, our group completed our 6th year of praying for our Pastor. My weekly holy hour is the best hour of my week! I know the Holy Spirit is doing good works through him for our parish and his spiritual life.” (MaryJane, Indiana)
- “I was recently introduced to this Apostolate. Being fully aware that our priests are constantly under attack, I could not pass the opportunity to support my priest. As a lifelong Catholic, I believe that our priests deserve our help. Dedicating an hour a week to pray is the least I can do.” (Marie, Virginia)
- “I learned about the Apostolate through our parish Bulletin. I was nervous about starting this spiritual work. I didn’t feel worthy. But it has had such an impact on my family over the years involved. I have received so much spiritual growth through praying each week that I feel greatly rewarded. It has strengthened my relationship with the Lord so much.” (Lisa, Ohio)
- “I felt humbled and excited about praying for a holy man like our priest. He was excited and enthused and humbled that we are going to pray for him for a whole year! May Jesus, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, be with us and sustain us through this most noble mission.” (Enedelia, Texas)
- “I can see the stress on the face of our new pastor. We are the largest parish in our Archdiocese. He has taken the place of 3 priests. A priest comes to assist in Masses and funerals but our pastor is alone in administration of this entire parish which includes a vibrant elementary school and many ministries. Though I have prayed for all our priests for some time now, I see the need of a daily Holy Hour for our pastor, in particular. Thank you for helping me form this group.” (Colleen, Massachusetts)
- “Whether with the Apostolate or outside of it, prayers are the most central thing we do, singularly and as a group, for our priest(s). Like all our priests today our pastor is incredibly busy and stretched, needing the spiritual armor the Apostolate provides.” (Denise, Washington)
ELIJAH’s HELPERS: Intercessors in this group are dedicated to offering Holy Hours for priests in various forms of crisis (no names known). These are special Hours for special circumstances and carry special supportive graces. It is growing! Please consider this vital, hope-filled offering for our priests! All inquiries to Nancy at [email protected] or cell: 612-756-1107. She will help!
PRO PACE (Latin, for peace): In Nov 2024 an opportunity opened to pray for the souls of priests in Purgatory. Groups of seven are to band together. The commitment for each intercessor will be to attend holy Mass on one’s unique day every week and offer one’s personal Mass intention and personal Communion for the souls of priests in Purgatory. Anchoress: registration forms on the Website.
APPRECIATED and LOVED quilt project: A double cloaking for RETIRED PRIESTS: Seven Sisters prayer and a quilt! The priests love both! To learn more regarding a single quilt for a retired priest or on how to get this started in your Diocese, contact [email protected]
FASTING BROTHERS is growing: Groups of men offering various forms of fasting to augment the prayer efforts of a Seven Sisters group. Each man prayerfully discerns the type of fasting he will offer and commits to fast a designated day of the week (excepting Sunday/Solemnities). Our Chaplain, strongly urges formation of these groups. Form on the Website for FB leader to register.
LAMP-BEARERS: Lamp-Bearers, so-named for their action of continually ‘filling of their lamps with the oil of prayer’, pray for the Apostolate at large. Each intercessor offers prayers of her choice every day, and prays for two unique countries to increase prayer efforts for priests. Intentions are gleaned from topics and calendar points in the Communique and sent to members on the second or third Sunday of the month. Additional intercessors ever-welcomed. Inquire through Website.
SEVEN SISTERS Guideline BOOKLETS: Available as free download from Web site. Hard copies passed on for printing cost of $2 each + P/H. Order thru Web email with amount desired/address
SEVEN SISTERS Tri-fold BROCHURE: Effectively used in parish pamphlet stands (ask pastor’s approval prior), Adoration Chapels, Retreat Centers, Bags/Packets for Women’s Conferences/Retreats, Women’s clubs, Serra clubs – or simply handing out! Available on Web as free download. Recommend 80# silk for best printing results. May also order through Web site. Indicate address/quantity. 50 cents each or 25 for $10 + P/H. Available in ENGLISH and SPANISH.
SEVEN SISTERS Tri-fold LITANY for PRIESTS: Beautifully printed on 100# silk (a bit thicker than brochures). Original artwork (inspired by the Diary of St Faustina) by Seven Sister in Minnesota, Litany by Richard Cardinal Cushing. 50 cents each or 25 for $10 + P/H.
REMEMBRANCE of those SEVEN SISTERS who have PASSED: We want to remember those Seven Sisters in name and in prayer, who have gone before us to their eternal rest. Visit the Web site. Click on ABOUT folder and scroll to bottom, choose: IN REMEMBRANCE. Follow prompts… OR you may submit info via the Website email. Please check site monthly for additions and to pray!
PRIEST who has PASSED to ETERNAL REST: If the priest for whom you pray has entered eternal life, the group may be led to continue to pray for a length of time for the soul of that priest. Perhaps a novena of Holy Hours or the offering of holy Mass(es) for the priest. You will know. Some groups have/are offering Holy Hours for an entire year for their beloved deceased priest. Groups may be started following the death of a priest that did not have a group prior. This is commendable and welcomed. Please register these special groups through the Web site.
…in quietness and trust is your strength. – Isaiah 30:1
Madonna of the Grapes, pray for us!
St John Vianney, pray for us!
St Margaret Clitherow, pray for us!