Change in Anchoress
Name of Former Anchoress
First Name*
Last Name*
Name of New Anchoress
Note: We track only the leader of each group, who is called the Anchoress. We do not need the names of the other sisters in the group.
First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Email where Anchoress can be reached
Same Email Address*
Please retype the same email address above to verify spelling.
Home Phone*
Only one of the following numbers is required
(### ### ####)
Mobile Phone
(### ### ####)
Mailing Address
mailing address of the Anchoress
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
No Abbreviations, please.
Title of Priest/Bishop [select TitlePriest "Father" "Monsignor" "Bishop" "Archbishop" "Cardinal" "Pope" placeholder "Enter Title of Priest/Bishop"]
Name of Priest
First Name
Last Name
Position of Ordained Minister in Parish/Other Institution
Pastor, parochial vicar, hospital chaplain, retired, seminary rector, vicar, general, bishop, parochial administrator, etc.
Name of Parish/Other Institution
The parish/institution in which the priest is serving. if the priest is retired, put "Retired", If a cluster, list each parish name.
City, State
The city and state of the parish/institution in which the priest is serving.
If outside the United States, please indicate the city and country.
If the priest is retired, use the city of his residence.
If a cluster, list the city for each parish.
Projected Start Date
Please share your story!
Tell us a little about yourself and the inspiration that led you to form a Seven Sisters group!
Any remaining questions?