Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ – Whoosh! Prepare for a flood! Whether in attendance in person, participating at a distance through media, or unaware, the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in mid-July will have its influence. All of us exist in the torrential ripple-effect of its graces. Yes, even our dear Sisters in the 32 countries outside of the USA. Our Eucharistic Lord seeks every heart. How fitting that the Church orients herself in August to the themes of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration. Seven Sisters will receive an extra boost of love and strength from our patron, St John Vianney (Feast Day, 4 August).
A growing number of Seven Sisters articulate that they carry an invigorating desire to encourage others to join our efforts. This seems fueled by a genuine desire that every priest/bishop benefits from our sacrifices of prayer. Blessed the men whose strength is in Thee… They go from strength to strength (Psalm 84: 5a, 7a). This current gift of a swell of graces round about us serves as a perfect milieu and moment to individually and collectively do just that. The reality of being alongside Jesus in our efforts is the starting point. For Christ’s love compels us (II Cor 5:14). He guides, we follow. He calls, we harvest. Our conversations with Him prior, during and in the yielding of the fruit of the labors is key to moving closer to completion of our mission that “our prayers may find the heart of every bishop and priest”. There are some 400,000 waiting for a Seven Sisters group! It is do-able! (Please quote me!)
At the heart of our Work, we imitate Christ who invites: “Can you not watch with Me one Hour? and followed by other invitations, “Come and See” and “Follow me”. Regardless of how conversations may tumble out between individuals, this is at the center. We invite in reciprocation of His invitation to us. We pray in imitation of His continual conversation with Our Father. The first year of our prayer with 7 groups of 7 (June 2011-June 2012) was a testing of the spirits. As the door opened in June of 2012 for others to participate, Fr Johnson (Apostolate Chaplain), in prudence, requested that one-on-one invitation be the means for potential growth. This would fittingly rely on and witness to the workings of the Holy Spirit. These simple efforts swiftly revealed that the harvest was all about us. Father eventually gave the go-ahead to use Bulletin spots, radio conversations, news articles, Informational booths/sessions and the like. He continues to remind that the work remains that of the Holy Spirit, giving credit to the nudging to move in any one of these directions as heaven-sent.
The varied sectors served by our priests/bishops call for distinctive out-reach efforts. Bulletin inserts may bear fruit for some situations, while a parish flock-note, Diocesan paper article or radio spot may be better elsewhere. “You know your people” and how they might respond to various ways of invitation. Prayer will make it clear. Action will carry it out, but be mindful that action lives next door to inactivity, and doubt next door to faith. Trust it. Try it. “When you pray, move your feet” (African origin). And above all, your prayerful fidelity and example will draw interest surer than words.
What brings fruit one time may not do so a second time. Perhaps we can learn from an esthetician who uses the technique of skin flooding. It involves layering of skin creams, sprays, oils and serums. She is not “hoping something works” but rather knowing they all work together for good. The Apostolate offers handouts to assist with conversation starters, Bulletin blurbs and setting up an Informational booth/table. Attached here on the Website. Let us be a resource – but let us learn from you too! Share what you are doing (in prayer and in deed) to ensure more prayer for more priests.
As Christians we hope to spend our lives for something that will outlast our time on earth. Renowned Filipino artist, Anita Magsaysay Ho, regarded the women of her country with deep admiration for their “joy of living… knowing very well their strength, hard work and quiet dignity”. Her painting here says all of this. Anita, a Catholic, offered this ending to a poem she once penned: “I gaze at my drab colours and at the grandeur that is Thine; Lord, how can I depict Thy work, without Thy hand in mine?” These touching words and image aptly reflect so much of you and the Apostolate work, as well.
A moving passage of sacred Scripture is held in a prophecy from Ezekiel (17:2-24). It stirs both a reminder and assurance that God has a plan that beckons our cooperation, not our direction. Ezekiel states that He will take from the cedar a tender shoot and plant it elsewhere – on a high and lofty mountain. And the growth and fruit will be tremendous – not because of the shoot, but because of God and His choosing. And so does it seem with this Apostolate that we share. Of His choosing God has placed tender shoots of handfuls of hidden, trusting intercessors and is flourishing them … and it is generating shelter and strength for many. Graces are now in abundance fit to nurture Eucharistic lives. Let us not squander them, but allow them to stretch our hearts! Next year the Jubilee Year will afford even more! They are for our asking and cooperation. Let us together move in strength, hard work and dignity and let us know that: “God will help us. The work is His” (St Jeanne Jugan).
United in prayer and mission…that our prayers may find the heart of every bishop and priest…. eternal gratitude continues as you each remember to offer a wee Hail Mary for me every day.… “One Ave Maria makes hell tremble” (St John Vianney). Pray that I will not ‘spoil the beautiful work that God has entrusted…’ (St Teresa of Calcutta) … your kind emails and notes and phone calls and generous support always arrive to my heart door at the right moment! Your financial sacrifices are for 100% furtherance of Apostolate. THANK YOU! The letters of testimony are so beautiful and edifying! What glory is given to God through your writing! Eternal gratitude is mine for YOU! Be assured of my continued daily prayers for you at the altar.
Janette (Howe)
SEVEN SISTERS – in and out and about:
Heartfelt welcome: NEW groups that registered in JULY to cover more priests in daily prayer: Additional groups in Archdiocese of Washington, DC and these USA states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisianna, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Did you know: the Apostolate offers 9 groups (thus 9 hours daily) as a gift to Pope Francis. Our sure mission in every diocese of every country: Let no shepherd be left behind!
RECENT … and AHEAD on the calendar:
> Sun, 4 August: Feast of patron, St John Vianney. Annual Holy Hour offered (by Jeff & Janette) for intentions of all Seven Sisters. We will pray with an atlas in lap – in full gratitude and love for you!
> FREEBIE (in honor of St JV): Litany leaflet from the Sisters of Life – for Priests/Seminarians to pray. Father, love them through me. Unleashing the Father’s Love. Bless a priest with this gift. Send SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope): Janette Howe, 43 Nord Circle Rd, St Paul, MN 55127
> May thru October 2024. Pray for one Bishop in the USA each day in this season of prayer offered through the Shepherd Project. Prayer emailed daily.> > Sat, 7 Sept. Time of Reflection & Fellowship. Getting to Know our Patrons. Diocese of KC-St J (Missouri). Mass, lunch, 3 talks, Q&A. Janette is one of speakers. Judy: [email protected]
> Sat, 21 Sept. Day of Reflection. “Fiat!” Blessed Sacrament (Hibbing, MN). 8-2:30 pm. $20 suggested donation, incl Mass, talks, lunch, fellowship. Janette will offer one of the talks. Contact: Anna: [email protected] or 218-565-0122
> Sat, 9 Nov. Annual Time of Reflection and Renewal. Archdiocese of St Paul-Mpls. St Michael (St Michael, MN). 8-3 pm. Speaker: Fr John Riccardo. Incl Adoration, Mass, lunch, testimonies, vendors. Contact: Doreen: [email protected]
> Because you asked: link to Limited edition Apostolate Tshirts (short and long sleeved, hoodies): OR [email protected]
- “I am a student at KSU. Throughout college I have experienced a great increase in my devotion to the Lord. This is nurtured by the amazing priests here. I heard about the group from an anchoress, and I knew that it was a call to serve the priests that do so much for us college students.” (Maria, Kansas)
- “Someone that leads a Seven Sister group approached me. I was honored she asked. I said yes right away. Father is new to our parish. What a wonderful way to welcome him: in prayer!” (Carla, Iowa)
- “This Apostolate is an integral step in saving our church, our community and our families. Heaven’s gates can open a little wider because people will be able to hear the truth. God’s truth. (This has) given us a chance to make a difference – one prayer at a time …” (Cheryl, Alabama)
- “I began as a member of the Apostolate in South Carolina. I have had a strong calling to pray for priests from my youth, so I was glad to have this avenue to put that desire to use. It was difficult to move from my church and truly treasured priests this year, but have landed on “good soil”. I was excited to learn of a Seven Sisters group here, so I reached out to the Anchoress. My call was a relief for her. Two parochial vicars joined the staff recently, and they needed not only new members, but a new Anchoress as well. The calling couldn’t be clearer, so I agreed to fill the role.” (Caitlin, Tennessee)
- “Someone handed out brochures at an event. A friend decided to do it. I figured if she could start it, then I could, too. Our priests are struggling so much having to be in charge of more than one parish and also not living with other priests. God really led me to ask the right people.” (Dianne, New York)
- “I look forward to my new position (Anchoress) and the spiritual growth that no doubt will accompany it. The opportunity came at the right time. Great thanks to the Holy Spirit!” (Megan, Virginia)
- “Such a beautiful ministry to help support our priests, our parishes, the entire Catholic Church, ourselves and the greater world. Thank you and I pray it continues to grow.” (Maureen, Wisconsin)
- “This time in prayer has been invaluable. Although we may not see the fruit, we are confident that God knows our hearts and is showering graces. We are each connected spiritually in a very particular way bringing glory to God. Gratitude for this apostolate and divine mercy is beyond what any words can ever express. My own spiritual life has grown through this self-giving offering, and I can more easily ‘see’ how God uses us in our weaknesses, limitations, and surrendering to His call.” (Anne Marie, Ohio)
- “I saw information about this in our Bulletin and reached out for more info. I decided to lead the group so it could get started. This is a beautiful apostolate and I am blown away by the graciousness of the women who signed up! Everyone I asked said yes! Thank you, Holy Spirit!!” (Jenny, Idaho)
ELIJAH’s HELPERS: Intercessors in this group are dedicated to offering Holy Hours for priests in various forms of crisis (no names known). These are special Hours for special circumstances and carry special supportive graces. It is growing! Please consider this vital, hope-filled offering for our priests! All inquiries to Nancy at [email protected] or cell: 612-756-1107. She will help!
APPRECIATED and LOVED quilt project: A double cloaking for RETIRED PRIESTS: Seven Sisters prayer and a quilt! The priests love both! To learn more regarding a single quilt for a retired priest or on how to get this started in your Diocese, contact [email protected]
FASTING BROTHERS is growing: Groups of men offering various forms of fasting to augment the prayer efforts of a Seven Sisters group. Each man prayerfully discerns the type of fasting he will offer and commits to fast a designated day of the week (excepting Sunday/Solemnities). Our Chaplain, strongly urges formation of these groups. Form on the Website for FB leader to register.
LAMP-BEARERS: Lamp-Bearers, so-named for their action of continually ‘filling of their lamps with the oil of prayer’, was launched to pray for the Apostolate at large. Each intercessor offers prayers every day for the Apostolate. Intentions are gleaned from topics and calendar points in the monthly Communique and also sent to members on the second or third Sunday of the month. Additional intercessors welcomed. Inquire through Website.
SEVEN SISTERS Guideline BOOKLETS: Available as free download from Web site. Hard copies passed on for printing cost of $2 each + P/H. Order thru Web email with amount desired/address
SEVEN SISTERS Tri-fold BROCHURE: Effectively used in parish pamphlet stands (ask pastor’s approval prior), Adoration Chapels, Retreat Centers, Bags/Packets for Women’s Conferences/Retreats, Women’s clubs, Serra clubs – or simply handing out! Available on Web as free download. Recommend 80# silk for best printing results. May also order through Web site. Indicate address/quantity. 50 cents each or 25 for $10 + P/H. Available in ENGLISH and SPANISH.
SEVEN SISTERS Tri-fold LITANY for PRIESTS: Beautifully printed on 100# silk (a bit thicker than brochures). Original artwork (inspired by the Diary of St Faustina) by Seven Sister in Minnesota, Litany by Richard Cardinal Cushing. 50 cents each or 25 for $10 + P/H.
REMEMBRANCE of those SEVEN SISTERS who have PASSED: We want to remember those Seven Sisters in name and in prayer, who have gone before us to their eternal rest. Visit the Web site. Click on ABOUT folder and scroll to bottom, choose: IN REMEMBRANCE. Follow prompts… OR you may submit info via the Website email. Please check site monthly for additions and to pray!
PRIEST who has PASSED to ETERNAL REST: If the priest for whom you pray has entered eternal life, the group may be led to continue to pray for a length of time for the soul of that priest. Perhaps a novena of Holy Hours or the offering of holy Mass(es) for the priest. You will know. Some groups have/are offering Holy Hours for an entire year for their beloved deceased priest. Groups may be started following the death of a priest that did not have a group prior. This is commendable and welcomed. Please register these special groups through the Web site.