October 2024 Communiqué

Tuesday, October 01, 2024 02:44pm

Overseer of the Eucharistic life… pray for us, guide us!

Greetings to dearest Sisters in Christ – Preceding the Sign of the Cross at Mass, a priest friend sometimes offers a ferverino regarding the life and love of the Saint of the day.  He consistently concludes with, “St ____ loved the Lord Jesus Christ, the same Lord Jesus Christ we celebrate today.”  Indeed!  His statement causes one’s heart to fully embrace each Saint in the most fundamental way – through mutual love of Christ.  One might apply this same sentiment from Christ Himself about His mother.  We are created to embrace and welcome her fully, through the mutual and intense love of Christ. 


Mary holds innumerable titles – enough to fill a litany to overflowing!  How good of God to clearly guide, then endow, our Apostolate with the patronage of the Madonna of the Grapes.  The title Madonna means ‘lady’.  As Seven Sisters we look to Mary as the first and perfect disciple who is guiding us, while equally appreciating that her relationship as mother is inseparable.   As the Lady of the Grapes, Mary is the overseer and caretaker of the Eucharistic life.   Priests and bishops are charged with the same.  Every Seven Sister shares a portion of that responsibility too.  How fitting, then, for the Apostolate to esteem Mary under this title and seek her model!


Here in Mignard’s painted scene, Mary has chosen the grapes from the basket, leaving the two apples behind.  She is the new Eve, offering life-giving food rather than forbidden fruit.   The grapes appear as a rich purple hue, fresh and plump.   The skins are intact.  They have not yet been broken by the violence of the winepress. Neither Mary nor Jesus takes claim of the cluster of fruit, but together tenderly hold in seeming anticipation.  The time has not yet come.  Even Jesus Himself is not held in a grip, as might be typical for a wiggly lad of this age.  Instead, Mary ever-so-slightly rests the flesh of only one thumb against his flesh.  Her posture, hands and glance placidly echo a mirror image of Michaelangelo’s Pieta.  Jesus here contentedly sits atop a pillow atop his mother’s lap, but with legs crossed, suggestive of the impending day of Golgotha.  His muscles are full of life and chubby newness, being readied for the strength needed for that Day.  Mary teaches Seven Sisters here. The Eucharistic life came through the greatest price – then and now.  While we hold the earthly Eucharistic caretakers, our priests/bishops, in hearts of prayer, we do not seek to clutch nor control them.  The blueprint of each priestly life is not ours to redraft.  As sisters in Christ, our nearness rests in unyielding prayers, sacrifices and conviction that God’s Will be done in each priestly life.   In quietness and trust is our strength (Isaiah 30:15).  The Eucharistic life stands to be preserved through their hands, not counting the cost by them nor by us.


No matter how often one might look away and look again at this painting, the eye returns to the figure of Jesus, even though the smallest figure.  His light-aglow Eucharistic-white robing beckons the glance.  His intentional penetrating gaze draws ours. His curious gesture of peeking through the gossamer veil entices us.  There is an intriguing shadow cast upon the Divine face.  Collectively, all of these features reflectively hearken to the mystery of the Eucharistic hiddenness of our Lord.    Mary, as caretaker and overseer, holds the posture of humility, peace and contemplationhallmarks of the life of a Seven Sister.  She is not indifferent nor numbed by God’s plan, but bears an intensity of interior alertness, reminiscent of the bride in Song of Songs, “I am asleep, but my heart watcheth.”  So too Seven Sisters learn this from the Madonna of the Grapes.  We bear a responsibility to our personal Eucharistic life and that in our providentially deigned circles of influence.  

To the right of Mary’s shoulder, Mignard astutely renders a finial resting on the throne, as it were, of Mary – for she is Queen of heaven (ample blue cloak) and of earth (vermillion undergarment upon which the incarnate Christ leans).   Initial thoughts rightly bring the first Scripture-scripted miracle, the Wedding at Cana, where the stone jars embodied water-turned-wine, the foreshadowing of holy Mass.  This is impeccably suitable for the Madonna, overseer of the Eucharistic life.  Do whatever He tells you guides us still.  In lingering a bit longer regarding the finial, one must be brought to remembrance of the alabaster jar of the Magdalene.  The recorded witness of this lavishing of love toward Jesus invigorates our Apostolate work today.  Here the Seven Sister pauses to appreciate that her lavishing of prayers for one, like the extravagant decanting of perfume, fill the airs wherever they are offered.  They have effect.  We simply and trustingly offer; another guides their influence.  Our obedience and fidelity have their reward.  Oh, dearest sisters in Christ, let us allow this God-ordained image, title and patronage of Madonna of the Grapes, overseer of the Eucharistic life, to take us a bit farther into the extravagance and responsibility of the Eucharistic life, and in quietness and trust, let us go farther still.

United in prayer, fasting and mission…that our prayers may find the heart of every bishop and priest. Eternal gratitude continues as you each offer a daily wee Hail Mary for me. One Ave Maria makes hell tremble” (St John Vianney). Pray that I will not ‘spoil the beautiful work that God has entrusted…’  (St Teresa of Calcutta).  Your emails, notes and calls always arrive to my heart door at the just the right moment! Financial sacrifices are for 100% furtherance of the Apostolate. Your letters of testimony are beautiful and edifying! What glory is given to God through them! Be assured of my continued daily prayers for you at the altar.

Janette (Howe) +JMJ+ 

SEVEN SISTERS – in and out and about:

Heartfelt welcome: NEW groups that registered in SEPTEMBER to cover more priests in daily prayer:  Additional groups in Cameroon (Africa), India and United Kingdom and these USA states: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisianna, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Our sure mission in every diocese of every country:  Let no shepherd be left behind! 

NEW:  Prayer for Priests in Purgatory.  In November a rich opportunity will open that is perfectly fitting to the mission of letting no shepherd left behind.  Groups of (at least) seven, including an Anchoress, will band together.  Each chooses one distinct day of the week.  The commitment for each will be to attend holy Mass on that day every week and offer her personal intention and personal Communion for the souls of priests in Purgatory.  Additionally, specified prayers are to be offered before or after the Mass.  Commitment is one year, renewable.  This fruit of the Apostolate is termed Pro Pace (Latin, for peace).  A tri-patronage is already praying:  St Nicholas of Tolentino, St Catherine of Genoa and St Gertrude.  Use the month of October to prayerfully discern your involvement.  Registration forms available on Nov 1st which begins the month dedicated to the holy souls in Purgatory.  

RECENT … and AHEAD on the calendar:

> May thru October 2024.  Pray for one Bishop in the USA each day in this season of prayer offered through the Shepherd Project. Prayer emailed daily. championshrine.org/shepherd-project

> Gratitude to Judy/team, for organizing/hosting Day of Reflection for Diocese of KC-St J (Missouri) on 7 Sept. More attended than registered!

> Gratitude to Conchita/team for organizing a gathering for Anchoresses and those interested in the Apostolate for Diocese of Victoria (Texas) on 20 Sept. 

> Gratitude to Anna/team, for organizing/hosting Day of Reflection for Diocese of Duluth (Minnesota) on 21 Sept.  What a day full of JOY!

> Gratitude to Diocesan Coordinator, Andrea, and Fr Chas Wilton for organizing Day of Retreat in Spanish for Diocese of Arlington (Virginia) on 21 Sept.  Community and sharing were strong!

> Thurs, 10 Oct. St. Bonaventure (Columbus, NE) Informational/Inspirational evening. 6:30 pm. 

Incl supper, talks, Q/A.  FREE.  Janette in attendance. RSVP Katie: [email protected]

> Sat, 9 Nov. Annual Time of Reflection and Renewal.  Archdiocese of St Paul-Mpls.  St Michael (St Michael, MN). 8-3 pm.  Speaker: Fr John Riccardo. Incl Adoration, Mass, relics, lunch, testimonies, vendors. All invited! Contact:  Doreen: [email protected]

> Sat, 9 Nov. Annual Retreat. Diocese of Arlington. 9:00-3:00. Prayer and Thanksgiving. Incl Mass, 2 talks (Fr Jonathan Smith and Deacon Anthony Calderon), Holy Hour, Confession during Adoration, fellowship. $20. BYO lunch. Contact Andrea at [email protected]

> Sat, 16 Nov. Time of Mass, Information, Inspiration.  Archdiocese of Atlanta.  Cathedral.  Info TF
> Because you asked:  link to Limited edition Apostolate T-shirts (short & long sleeved, hoodies): https://www.bonfire.com/seven-sisters-apostolate.  OR [email protected]


  • “When asked to be an Anchoress my answer was YES.  The anchoress had a stroke. My sister is a Seven Sister for another priest.  We keep a weekly holy hour of Adoration together.” (Helen, Ohio)
  • “I am a sophomore at Saint Mary’s. I grew up with my mother as Anchoress for my home parish’s pastor and admired the ways she was able to support him. I feel like it’s so easy for many of us to go to Mass but then forget about our priests. They have so many duties.  Priests are also people just like us and are tempted and face the same issues. I hope to support Fr. Burns for the rest of my time at Saint Mary’s and encourage other young women to do the same!”  (Joanna, Minnesota)
  • “The necessity to pray for priests and a sister in my church inspired me to join the Seven Sisters and lead this group for our parish priest. Group or family prayers is stronger.” (Hilda, Cameroon)
  •  “This year’s commitment renewal was momentous. The priest for whom we pray, blessed our Seven Sisters and substitutes from the altar at the conclusion of Mass. (In the past we have had a “private” blessing after Mass.) As a result, two wonderful ladies from the congregation approached me to inquire about “Seven Sisters”. I am so grateful that the word is spreading.”  (Nancy, Maryland)
  • “I approached 8 women and 6 immediately agreed. Our Pastor is very pleased we are forming the group. I pray the Holy Spirit will be with us and guide us as we begin.”  (Sharon, Illinois)
  • “I have worked in ministry for the last ten years with the great blessing to work alongside many priests. Currently, I work at a seminary and volunteer at my parish. I see the great joys and sufferings that happen in the life of the priest and I feel called to accompany through prayer.” (Cassie, Indiana)


ELIJAH’s HELPERS: Intercessors in this group are dedicated to offering Holy Hours for priests in various forms of crisis (no names known).  These are special Hours for special circumstances and carry special supportive graces.  It is growing! Please consider this vital, hope-filled offering for our priests!  All inquiries to Nancy at [email protected]  or cell: 612-756-1107.  She will help!

APPRECIATED and LOVED quilt project:  A double cloaking for RETIRED PRIESTS: Seven Sisters prayer and a quilt! The priests love both!  To learn more regarding a single quilt for a retired priest or on how to get this started in your Diocese, contact [email protected]  

FASTING BROTHERS is growing: Groups of men offering various forms of fasting to augment the prayer efforts of a Seven Sisters group.  Each man prayerfully discerns the type of fasting he will offer and commits to fast a designated day of the week (excepting Sunday/Solemnities). Our Chaplain, strongly urges formation of these groups. Form on the Website for FB leader to register.

LAMP-BEARERS: Lamp-Bearers, so-named for their action of continually ‘filling of their lamps with the oil of prayer’, was launched to pray for the Apostolate at large.  Each intercessor offers prayers every day for the Apostolate.  Intentions are gleaned from topics and calendar points in the monthly Communique and also sent to members on the second or third Sunday of the month.  Additional intercessors welcomed.  Inquire through Website.

SEVEN SISTERS Guideline BOOKLETS: Available as free download from Web site.  Hard copies passed on for printing cost of $2 each + P/H. Order thru Web email with amount desired/address

SEVEN SISTERS Tri-fold BROCHURE:   Effectively used in parish pamphlet stands (ask pastor’s approval prior), Adoration Chapels, Retreat Centers, Bags/Packets for Women’s Conferences/Retreats, Women’s clubs, Serra clubs – or simply handing out!  Available on Web as free download.  Recommend 80# silk for best printing results.  May also order through Web site.  Indicate address/quantity.  50 cents each or 25 for $10 + P/H.  Available in ENGLISH and SPANISH.  

SEVEN SISTERS Tri-fold LITANY for PRIESTS: Beautifully printed on 100# silk (a bit thicker than brochures).  Original artwork (inspired by the Diary of St Faustina) by Seven Sister in Minnesota, Litany by Richard Cardinal Cushing.  50 cents each or 25 for $10 + P/H.  

REMEMBRANCE of those SEVEN SISTERS who have PASSED: We want to remember those Seven Sisters in name and in prayer, who have gone before us to their eternal rest. Visit the Web site. Click on ABOUT folder and scroll to bottom, choose: IN REMEMBRANCE.  Follow prompts… OR you may submit info via the Website email. Please check site monthly for additions and to pray!  

PRIEST who has PASSED to ETERNAL REST: If the priest for whom you pray has entered eternal life, the group may be led to continue to pray for a length of time for the soul of that priest. Perhaps a novena of Holy Hours or the offering of holy Mass(es) for the priest.  You will know.  Some groups have/are offering Holy Hours for an entire year for their beloved deceased priest.  Groups may be started following the death of a priest that did not have a group prior.  This is commendable and welcomed.  Please register these special groups through the Web site.

SPANISH translation of Communique:  Posted (and archived) on the Website. The translation link is sent with every Communique.  Commitment Prayer/Guidelines Booklet in Spanish (on the Website – free download)