“I would strongly urge that, even as the Magdalene anointed the Lord’s feet with tears and perfumed oil, you too would pour out the perfume of constant prayer and contemplation at the foot of the tabernacle.”
8:00 a.m. check-in begins
8:30-9:30 a.m. Adoration and Rosary with first class relic of St John Vianney available for veneration
Our time together will also include…
Holy Mass
Reflection on St Mary Magdalene: Fr Declan Gibson,
Regional Superior – Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist
Fr. Joseph Johnson/Janette Howe: updates/Q &A
Delicious Luncheon
Meeting fellow Sisters, testimonies
Final Blessing: approx 2:00 – 2:15 pm
All Seven Sisters are welcome. Guests are especially welcomed as this is an ideal way to introduce and grow the Apostolate.
Online registration available 10/01 – 10/30
If prefer using postal mail send information to
Anita Whims
17409 Barrington Ct.
Minnetonka, MN 55345 -
Please include: first/last name, first/last name of priest/bishop for whom you are praying, and (Anchoress, intercessor member/sub, or guest)
A very limited number of registrations will be accepted at the door.
Anchoress may gather info and respond for all Sisters/Guests in her group attending or she may direct those interested to respond individually
No Registration Fee
Free-will offering will be accepted, check or cash only
Questions or need help with registration, please contact Anita at 612-965-9714 or [email protected]